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AutoMate™ Communications Driver

Sample Driver VB Application

The ACS AutoMate™ Communications Driver is a library that allows you write PC applications that communicate with Reliance Electric AutoMate programmable controllers. It supports both direct connection to the processor and R-Net communication via Gateway or PC-Link card.

The Driver allows your IBM PC application programs to read and write processor registers and points, start and stop the processor, and more. Your application communicates with the Driver via function calls or call statements; data is sent and received using ordinary variables such as integers.

For example, the Visual Basic code fragment:

Dim inregs(16) As Integer, Status As Integer
Status = basdrv(bRDREG, &O2000, 16, inregs(0), 0)

reads 16 registers beginning with register 2000 into consecutive elements of the integer array inregs. A completion or error code will be returned in the integer variable Status.

Here is a partial list of the Driver's capabilities:

  • Read and Write Processor Registers and Points
  • Read values from a list of Processor Registers
  • Change Processor Status (Run, Stop, Single Step)
  • Read and Write Input and Output Forcer Tables
  • Modify Processor's Register Limit
  • Insert, Delete, and Find Sequences*
  • Read and Write I/O Configuration Table*
  • Run Diagnostics
  • User selectable communications parameters
  • Convert octal input strings to register and bit

* In Binary only. The Driver is not a replacement for a programming device.

Platform Support

The driver is available for DOS, 16-bit Windows (3.x), and 32-bit Windows (95/NT/2000/7).

The Windows versions of the Driver will work with any language or development environment that supports calling out to external dynamic-link libraries (DLLs), including: the Microsoft CLR languages (C#, etc.), Visual Basic, Microsoft C/C++, Borland C/C++, Borland Delphi, Microsoft Access, and many more.

DOS versions of the Driver are tailored for specific languages. Currently supported are Quick Basic, Turbo Pascal, Interpreted Basic, Microsoft/Borland C/C++ (Small and Large memory models), and several others. Depending upon the specific language, the Driver may be supplied as a linkable object module or a terminate-and-stay-resident (TSR) program. Send us e-mail for details.

AutoMate Driver Users Guide View the AutoMate Driver for User's Guide (236KB)
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Pricing and Availability

The Driver comes in two versions, single-user and OEM. The standard single-user Driver package comes with one language (DOS) or platform (Windows) interface, cable, demonstration program, and documentation for a list price of $450.

The OEM Version of the Driver is intended for distribution with customer-created software products. For a one-time fee of $1450, you can sell or distribute any number of standalone executable programs that use the complete driver library. This product is mainly intended for OEMs and multi-station installations.

For specific technical details, to order, or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via e-mail.

Communications Cable

You will need an RS-232 serial communications port and a cable to connect your computer to the AutoMate. The cable uses a 3-wire "null modem" design.

AutoMate cable wiring

PC AutoMate
9-pin female 25-pin male
2 2
3 3
5 7

It's important to use only a 3-wire cable. Connecting any of the "handshaking" pins (e.g., Clear to Send) can prevent communications between the two devices.

AutoMate Communications Driver functions

Here's the full list of functions the driver supports:

Function Name Description
RDPNT Read Value of a Point
WRPNT Write Value of a Point
RDREG Read Value of Register(s)
WRREG Write Value of Register(s)
RDFRCT Read Input Forcer Table into Register & Bit Arrays
WRFRCT Write Input Forcer Table from Register & Bit Arrays
RDSTAT Read Processor Status
WRSTAT Write Processor Status
RDREGLST Read List of Registers into Integer Array
WMULPT Write Multiple Points
RDREGLIM Read Register Limit
WRREGLIM Write Register Limit
ROFRCT Read Output Forcer Table into Register & Bit Arrays
FRCCOIL Force Coil
UNFRCCOIL Unforce Coil
INSSEQ Insert Sequence at Program Pointer
DELSEQ Delete Sequence at Program Pointer
SRCHSEQ Find Sequence
SRCHN Find Next Occurrence of Sequence
SRCHU Get Previous Sequence
SRCHD Get Next sequence
SRCHTOP Get First Sequence
CHKSEQ Check For a Sequence
CHKN Check for next occurrence of Sequence
SETRNET Set Number of Nodes on R-Net
SETGWAY Set Gateway Parameters
WHORU Read Identifying Information
SETCOMM Set Communication Parameters
CLRMEM Clear Application Memory
MEMUSE Read Memory Use Statistics
RDIOCFG Read I/O Configuration Table
WRIOCFG Write I/O Configuration Table
REQACC Request Protected Access
CANACC Cancel Protected Access
MEMDIAG Run Memory Diagnostic
IODIAG Run I/O Diagnostic
GWAYDIAG Run Gateway Diagnostic
SETNOD Set Destination Node
SETDSLT Set Destination Slot
SETSSLT Set Origin Slot Number
SETBAUD Set Baud Rate
SETSNG Set Single-Processor Mode
CLROFRC Clear Output Forcer Table
AUTOCOM Establish Communications
SRBCONV Convert string to register and bit
SRCONV Convert string to register
SETDLA Set Communications Delay
WORDAR Unpack Integer to Array
ARWORD Pack Array into Word
SETOND Set origin (PC) node
STPORT Select Comm. Port
RDCHEK Read AutoMate Checksums
STEXT Send an ASCII string to the serial port
FMO2MS Convert Motorola floating point to Microsoft format
FMS2MO Convert Microsoft floating point to Motorola format
OFF Deactivate Driver
PSYST Serial Port System Setup
KEYPORT Select Hardware Key port (LPT1 to LPT3)
PCLINK Set up Reliance R-Net PC Link Card
Copyright © 1997 – 2015 Automation Consulting Services Inc. All rights reserved. Subject to change without notice. MODBUS is a trademark of Gould Corp. AutoMate is a trademark of Reliance Electric.